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4 Teas for Weight Loss and Glowing Skin

4 Teas for Weight Loss and Glowing Skin - TE-A-ME

Tea is a potent natural ingredient and offer a plethora of benefits for its consumer. With its anti inflammatory and anti oxidative properties, green teas and many herbal infusions can make for perfect beauty potions. Why? Well, tea helps you lose weight and brighten up dull looking skin through hydration. Green tea benefits are derives from its catechins, that may repair skin and keep it looking young. Here are 5 suggestions from our end that you can explore and experiment for a gorgeous “you”

1. Mint Lemon Ginger Green Tea

The mint & ginger in this tea can not only help you shed a few extra kilos, but the green tea can help you decrease inflammation and control the activity of free radicals in your body – both of which work excellent to make your skin supple and healthy. You can easily buy this green tea online.

2. Chamomile Tea

A floral infusion to soothe your body and calm your nerves. A state in which you will naturally glow! Chamomile is known for anti inflammatory properties and used extensively in soaps, cosmetics, lotion. A cup of chamomile tea daily will brighten you up inside out! You can also freeze the same tea bags and lay it on your eyes for brighter looking eyes. Get this Online

3. Jasmine Lemongrass Green Tea

Green tea benefits are many. However, when paired with rich ingredients like jasmine and lemongrass, it boosts your beauty benefits up many notches. Lemongrass has anti fungal properties, and soothes skin from within. Jasmine is known to keep skin’s elasticity and retain moisture. Green tea has catechins that pair up well with other ingredients to make you a perfect beauty potion. You can buy this variant of Jasmine green tea online and have it delivered at your doorsteps!

4. Long Leaf Green Tea

The purest & strongest form of green tea is loose leaf and it will extract maximum benefits into your cup. You have to be a little mindful into not brewing it into very bitter brew or will have to have additional efforts or straining etc. However, this tea is sure to up your metabolism high and help you lose weight. Shop online .

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