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7 Impressive Benefits of Ginger Tulsi Honey Tea

7 Impressive Benefits of Ginger Tulsi Honey Tea - TE-A-ME

Ginger Tulsi HoneyTea is a remarkable combination of sacred Tulsi leaves and every Indian’s favourite spice – ginger. When it comes to a good cup of tea, these two herbs are like the first preference for every tea lover. Other than this, they have also been used as medicinal plants since decades, as both these herbs serve a number of benefits, individually.

Let’s have a quick look at some of the health benefits of Ginger Tulsi Honey Tea below:

1. May Keep Stress Level in Check

In today’s era, 8 out of 10 people go through stress problems. Thus, it is very important to find a solution to this. Drinking Ginger Tulsi Honey tea may makes the secretion of cortisol does not exceed after a certain level, which automatically keeps your stress levels in check.

2. May Help in Curing Kidney Stone

It’s unarguably true that with changing times, people’s eating habits have greatly changed. This certainly has not shown much of positive effects on their health. Ginger Tulsi Honey Green Tea is also a good detoxifier, which is valuable for the kidneys. It may control the production of Uric acid – a by-product of metabolism as it is the chief component of kidney stones. With may help of essential oils present in this tea, surplus uric acid is thrown out of body, enhancing the function of kidney cells.

3. May Improve Hair and Skin

It is very important to understand that purifying our body from the inside is the best solution to any such problem. The detoxifying and purifying properties of basil ginger honey tea may cleanse the body and provides nourishment to skin and hair. Regular consumption of this drink might effective in treating skin problems like itching and drying.

4. May Cure Respiratory Problems

Ginger, Tulsi and honey have always been known to cure several respiratory problems like mild cold and cough.It may help the patient to expel out the phlegm that will automatically bring a relief to cold and cough. Its essential oils such as camphene, eugenol and cineole may help to relieve congestion.

5. Drink to Cure Your Monsoon Sniffles

Holy basil possesses antiseptic and analgesic properties and anti-inflammatory gingerols and shaogals in ginger root will help to relieve a sore throat quickly, and they also kill rhinoviruses, which cause monsoon sniffles in the first place. For more info click here

6. Might Treats as Gastrointestinal Disorders

Ginger Tulsi Honey tea may help treating indigestion, intestinal parasites, ulcers, vomiting, gastric disorders, and stomach or menstrual cramps. It may alsoimproves nausea and vomiting and may help with other digestive issues.

7. May Cure to Arthritis

Arthritis is a degenerative chronic disorder caused by wear and tear of the joints. Drinking Ginger Tulsi Honey tea might help fight free radicals, which are responsible for degeneration of the joint and the surrounding tissues.

Nothing beats a piping hot cup of ginger tulsi honey tea which one may have anytime of the day which you may buy online. With its high levels of Vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals, tulsi, ginger root and honey is extremely beneficial for health. Let’s have a look at the very easy to make recipe in just no time.

Recipe of Perfect Ginger Tulsi Honey Tea


  • 1 tea bag
  • 1 cup of Water (Warm)
  • ½ cup of milk (optional)
  • 2 tbsp Honey or 1 tbsp sugar


  • Place bag in a cup
  • Pour water that is heated up to 100 °C
  • Steep for 1-3 minutes for mild brew and 3-5 minutes for strong brew.
  • Best served hot or chilled with or without milk
  • Sweeten with honey or sugar if preferred.

Keeping it simple, a mix of Ginger Tulsi Honey tea may provide with potential health benefits that promote physical as well as mental well-being. It may help the mind and body to effectively cope with infectious diseases, stress and other mental problems.

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