3 Major Types of Chamomile Flowers - TE-A-ME

3 Major Types of Chamomile Flowers

Interesting to note, there are several different types of chamomile flowers, like Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile, Moroccan chamomile, Yellow chamomile, Wild chamomile, Egyptian chamomile. Teas, however, are prepared only from Roman, German and Egyptian lot.

Roman Chamomile

A perennial herb native to western Europe, distinguished from others by its thick grey green leaves. This type is traditionally used to treat gastrointestinal disorders like nausea, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, vomiting, gas. Like most chamomiles, it also helps relieve inflammation of skin. Used Tea bags of this variety can double up for perfect under eye soothing pack or dabbed onto skin for local skin irritability, itchiness, rashes or redness.

German Chamomile

It comes from Europe, Western Asia and can be found in temperate North America and Australia. Oil of this variety is credited for its anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispasmodic, and anti-oxidant properties. The stem of this chamomile is smoother as compared to Roman chamomile herb.

Egyptian chamomile

Native to the lush valley along the Nile River in Egypt, this variety of chamomile produced is considered to be the highest-grade, best chamomile in the world! The tea made from Egyptian chamomile herb has a warm, earthy flavor with a pleasant fruity aroma. Egyptian chamomile tea is deep-yellow in color and has a sweet, floral taste. The calming, soothing, refreshing infusion from this variety is best to put you to a sound, relaxing sleep!

Chamomile in TE-A-ME Teas is invariably sourced the best ? Egyptian Chamomile. The golden yellow purity of this infusion is as assuring as its aroma. The first sip will reflect its true magic and the last one will keep you wanting more!

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