Iced Teas: Makes Water Interesting

Hydration is essential for the body. A simple thing as that can be of immense benefit to health. Many of the day to day ailments can be attributed to lack of hydration. While some people can easily chug down glasses after glasses of water, some find it hard to do so. Others, even remember to drink water. Here’s when cold drinks come into play – where you are hydrated, however, also cause harm to the body due to its sugars and preservatives.

iced tea

TE-A-ME Ice Brews are healthy, all natural, and are without any added sugar. They are filled with natures best ingredients like, fruits, flowers & herbs that combine to give you delicious natural flavours like peach, lychee, lemon, wild berry & mint iced teas. These iced teas are available online as well as your nearest supermarkets. Pick your favourite flavour from the finest brewers.

TE-A-ME Ice Brew infusions could also be consumed as drinks for summer time in form of a mocktail or iced infusion. It makes for a great alternative to the sugary sweet soft drinks as the infusion is naturally sweetened by the fruit’s & flower’s sweetness.

Some flavours of TE-A-ME Ice Brews like wild berry & lychee are caffeine free. That means the iced teas make for rejuvenating drinks without giving you any caffeine jitters. Drinking a caffeine free iced infusion may help reduce stress and create a relaxed sensation in the body and mind, especially after a long arduous day in peak of summer heat. So have an early night? No worries, we got your back! Now refresh, caffeine free too!

TE-A-ME Ice Brews can also be upgraded using some fresh fruits and flowers to bring the brighter summer vibes of nature into your tall icy glasses. You can use all your gastronomic creativity with TE-A-ME Iced Teas to come up with recipes – so now you can try & up your usual Iced Tea game! Ditch those unhealthy aerated drinks, sodas and over sweetened bottled drinks and try brewing the all-natural thirst quenchers this season. TE-A-ME Ice Brews make for incredibly refreshing coolers to celebrate the sun-kissed summery days! Buy today!


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