The strong, refreshing flavor of lemongrass is enough reason to try it out as a flavour in green teas. But isn’t it better to know that it is good it is for your health also? Here are some of the health benefits of drinking green tea with lemongrass may bring you:

Jasmine Green Tea

May Help Regulate Cholesterol

Lemongrass is said to have hypercholesterolemia properties that support healthy cholesterol levels. One study shows lemongrass may assist in sustaining healthy levels of triglycerides and reducing LDL or bad cholesterol. If you tend to have family history of high cholesterol, you may use this as a preventive measure.

May Detoxify Your Body

Lemongrass may help in cleansing and flushing harmful toxins from the body, due to its diuretic properties. Detoxification may help in better performance of various organs of the body, like the liver and kidneys, while also possibly helping to get a glowing skin.

May Aid in Soothing Stomach Disorders

Studies have shown that lemongrass tea may potentially have anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties which help in fighting stomach infections. It may even reduce inflammation, improve digestion and relieve stomach aches. This remedy is natural & medical assistance is recommended in extreme states.

May Relieve Insomnia

Lemongrass tea is considered to be helpful in calming muscles and nerves that may aid in promoting a good night’s sleep. Some research has shown that lemongrass tea may have sedative properties, which can help in increasing the duration as well as quality of your sleep. 

May Relieve Respiratory Congestions

Lemongrass has been widely used in Ayurvedic medicine system for its healing effects in relieving symptoms of cough and cold. Along with so many beneficial components, vitamin C in lemongrass may also help in providing relief from nasal congestion and other respiratory discomforts as well as in strengthening immunity.

May Reduce Fever

Traditionally, lemongrass is also known as the ‘fever grass’ due to its beneficial effects in lowering fever. Lemongrass may have antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, which is used in Ayurvedic medicine system for reducing fever by inducing sweating in human body. Whether or not it is proven, one can always rely on a lemongrass green tea as a supplement remedy to feel better and even energised when feeling down and weak with fever.

May Aid in Managing Diabetes

Lemongrass has been shown to have beneficial implications for managing type-2 diabetes. In addition, green tea is also known to manage diabetes. The duo may However, more research needs to be conducted on the human population to truly understand the effects of two ingredients on diabetes.

May Help Managing Weight

Lemongrass contains citral, which may be effective against deposition of fatty tissues on the body. Lemongrass in green tea may lessen the accumulation of abdominal fat, increase metabolic activity and support your fat loss regime.

May Boost Immunity

Lemongrass extracts may support the inflammatory actions of cytokines, which are the signalling molecules, communicating threat and induce action in the body. Green tea is also known to support immune system of the body. Green tea with lemongrass is a good supplement when infections are spreading afar, as an immunity booster and fortification of body’s fighting abilities.

Sooth Your Olfactory Senses

Lemongrass consists of essential oils and is used in aromatherapy due to its therapeutic and calming effect. Lemongrass in green tea brings cooling effects and promotes the revival of both the mind and soul. It’s aroma itself and the feeling on palette help alleviating stress, fatigue, and anxiety. Try it!

TE-A-ME Teas bring you Jasmine Lemongrass Green Tea with added experience and benefits of jasmine in your green tea. Try it!


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