We all love the good old iced tea in summertime. Or in the October heat. Or during the afternoon spike in temperatures. The mental heat. Be it whatever, a chilled glass of iced tea can fix all sort of heat. Making iced tea is easy. However there are lot of options to buy iced tea online. So it gets even easier. Here are some recipes you can try out if you love iced teas. You dont need much, just some good old black tea or green tea.

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Perk up your Dull Office Hours with Magic of Iced Tea

TE-A-ME Ice Brews can be your best go-to refreshment during dull office hours. TE-A-ME Ice Brews are tea bags that can be brewed in cold water to bring you delicious tasting iced tea in minutes! They come in individually wrapped sachets that are easy to carry. Just toss a few in your office bag, leave some in your car and some in your desk drawer. TE-A-ME Ice brew is also available with a sipper – if you can’t seem to take a break, you can sip on iced tea on your desk without having to worry about spilling it all over. TE-A-ME Ice Brew comes in variety of flavors. Some with green tea, some with black and others caffeine free. Pick yours:

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